Jagrave Dant Upchar Manjan 100gms
₹130.00 Ex Tax:₹130.00
Description About The Product:-1.Toothache: Pain in the teeth.2. Gingivitis: Inflammation of the gums.3. Tooth Mobility: Teeth feeling loose or shaky.4. Sensitivity to Hot and Cold: Sensation of discomfort when consuming hot or cold substances.5. Too..
Jagrave Madhumehi churn
₹275.00 Ex Tax:₹275.00
Description-MADHUMEHA CHURNA is an ayurvedic herbal medicine traditionally used to treat diabetes, dysuria, and other related symptoms such as excessive urination, fatigue, thirst, and weakness. It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of MADHUMEHA CH..
jagrave marham
₹110.00 Ex Tax:₹110.00
You can use it to relieve back pain, headache, knee pain, colds and coughs. It's made with 100% herbal products, and We're sure you'll feel relief from the first use. ..
Jagrave Plus
₹300.00 Ex Tax:₹300.00
Jagravi Plus Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine that is used for the treatment of general debility, fatigue, and weakness. It is a combination of various herbs, minerals, and other natural ingredients that work together to restore the body's energy and ..
Jagrave Saktmal
₹315.00 Ex Tax:₹315.00
How to Use-Having difficulty with hard stools (pellets) coming out, taking more time to defecate, straining during defecation, flatulence, abdominal heaviness, hemorrhoids, and acidity coming out of the mouth, can be a serious problem for each indivi..
Jagrave Shiva
₹155.00 Ex Tax:₹155.00
Indication- Going to the toilet quickly after eating and drinking, getting thin soft stool, having to go to the toilet frequently, always being conscious of the need to go, feeling heavy and uncomfortable with stool, having difficulty getting out of ..